Matt's other Star Trek designs |
Matt & the Space Shuttle "Enterprise" |
Flight Crew patch for OV-101 "Enterprise" |
 Although Matt's Film and TV work left little time to pursue his interest in
aviation and the missle program, he took advantage of every opportunity to do
so. A letter dated 12/15/57 to Richard reads: "Air is a little rough. I am
enroute to Washington to attend a missle conference. Hitched a ride with the Air
Force." And on 12/17/57 he added: "Ah, bright sun...25,000'...on top. Just
finished three hours of solid instrument stuff." Matt also visited Cape Kennedy
(now Cape Canaveral) at the invitation of NASA to witness several missle
 So it is no surprise, that early on the morning of August 12th 1977, (Matt's Birthday) Matt and Mary Ann hopped in the car for the long trip to Edwards Air Force Base. They were among the privledged few invited by NASA to witness the 1st free flight of the Space Shuttle "Enterprise". |
 Enterprise, the first Space Shuttle Orbiter, was originally to be named Constitution (in honor of the U.S. Constitution's Bicentennial). However, viewers of Star Trek started a write-in campaign urging the White House to select the name Enterprise. Designated, OV-101, the vehicle was rolled out on Sept. 17, 1976. The nine-month-long approach and landing test program was conducted from February through November 1977 at the Dryden Flight Research Facility and demonstrated that the orbiter could fly in the atmosphere and land like an airplane. In the five free flights the astronaut crew separated the spacecraft from the SCA and maneuvered to a landing at Edwards Air Force Base. Two NASA astronaut crews-Fred Haise and Gordon Fullerton and Joe Engle and Dick Truly-took turns flying the 150,000-pound spacecraft to free-flight landings. |
 On Nov. 18, 1985, the OV-101 Shuttle "Enterprise" became the property of the Smithsonian Institution and now resides in the Air & Space Museum, at Dulles airport. As a final note, The Enterprise was built as a test vehicle and never equipped for space flight. |